Our Mock Exam study mode is designed to mimic the test day experience. Like all of our exam content, the Mock Exam questions and explanations are created by subject matter experts and closely follow the actual exam outline in terms of subject weighting. Learn more about how we create our questions.

Mock Exam will appear with the other quiz modes if your exam has this feature.

Important things to know about Mock Exams: 

All new questions

Each Mock Exam has its own unique set of questions. They’re not part of the question bank and will not affect your stats. You can always retake a Mock Exam, but the questions will be the same as the first time, just shuffled.

Exam Experience

Our Mock Exam uses the Pocket Prep interface and will look different from your actual exam.

Pro tip: Use our web app on your computer for a more realistic exam experience.


The exam is timed and cannot be paused. If your official exam has a break, you will receive a 10-minute break halfway through your Mock Exam questions to imitate that experience.


Results and answer explanations will be available after the exam is submitted. You will also receive an email sent with exam results which include a subject score breakdown so you know where to focus.

Mock Exams are available on select exams:

Behavioral Health



IT & Cybersecurity



Nursing School



*indicates exams that offer multiple Mock Exams