Pocket Prep will provide five recipients with fully covered certification exam preparation.

Mobile test prep company Pocket Prep today announces the launch of its fall season scholarship, the Pocket Prep Racial Equity Scholarship. This is the company’s second scholarship initiative and was born out of support for the Black Lives Matter movement of 2020.

Pocket Prep’s scholarship is intended for racial minorities who are traditionally underrepresented in the field of education in which they are seeking certification. Recipients should be preparing to study for one of the 100+ certifications that Pocket Prep provides study prep for between the dates of January 15, 2022, and June 15, 2022.

“We acknowledge that even in 2021, the U.S. still grapples with incredible inequitable access to education at every level,” said Peter Murphy, CEO and Co-Founder of Pocket Prep. “From lack of proper school funding to the quality of available academic resources, students are all too often confronted with the harsh reality that they’ve not been set up for success.”

“The largest population facing the negative effects of this unbalanced playing field are racial minorities. As an education company on a mission to make education more accessible for all, continuing our racial equity scholarship program is one way we can continue to be a positive force for change,” Murphy said.

Pocket Prep will select five recipients to receive the following scholarship rewards:

  • Study Support of $1,500
  • Paid Exam Registration Fee
  • Paid Exam Study Materials (i.e. required textbooks, guides, software)
  • Free Access to Pocket Prep’s Premium Study Material

The application window for the fall program is now open and the deadline to apply is November 30, 2021. Chosen recipients will be notified by January 15, 2022. This program will now be available biannually. The spring/summer scholarship will launch in April 2022.

To learn more about the scholarship program, visit: www.pocketprep.com/scholarship/.

Pocket Prep also launched a Financial Support Program in the summer of 2021 that provides applicants in need of financial assistance with free Premium Pocket Prep access. To learn more about this program, visit www.pocketprep.com/pocket-prep-financial-support-program/.

About Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep has led the mobile test prep category with its portable learning, smart feedback, and affordable programs since 2011. The company is dedicated to providing the most effective, convenient, and engaging test prep for more than 100 standardized exams spanning the medical, nursing, business, IT, social work, finance, automotive and fitness industries. The company is headquartered in Seattle, WA with an office in Durham, NC.

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