Pocket Prep has added a brand new exam offering to its IT & Cybersecurity Pocket Prep study prep – the CompTIA® Cloud Essentials+.

Cloud Essentials+ is a unique IT certification in that it is not only for IT professionals. The certification demonstrates that all necessary staff members – not just IT specialists – understand business principles and fundamental cloud concepts that will increase efficiency, manage costs, and reduce security risks. It is especially relevant for organizations that regularly make cloud technology decisions, and it is an internationally recognized and vendor-neutral certification.

The most common job roles that benefit from a Cloud Essentials+ certification include:

  • Sales and Marketing Staff in cloud product or service management
  • Business Analysts
  • Business Process Owners
  • Managed Service Provider Personnel
  • New Data Center Staff
  • Technical Support Staff

While the certification is considered entry-level, the prerequisites to sit for the exam typically include 6-12 months of work experience as a business analyst in an IT environment with some level of exposure to cloud technologies.

Pocket Prep’s study material includes 500 practice questions and covers the four domain and knowledge areas of the exam. Those areas and their respective weight on the exam are:

  • Cloud Concepts (24%)
  • Business Principles of Cloud Environments (28%)
  • Management and Technical Operations (26%)
  • Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Security for the Cloud (22%)

The textbook used to build the content is the CompTIA® Cloud Essentials+ Certification Study Guide (Exam CLO-002) by Daniel Lachance. The textbook is referred to in the answer explanation for each of the 500 practice questions.

The Cloud Essentials+ study prep is the 11th CompTIA® exam addition to Pocket Prep’s IT exam list, and the 16th exam addition overall to the company’s IT & Cybersecurity app.

Pocket Prep has been providing study prep for IT professionals for a decade and averages a 4.8-star App Store rating on all of its exam prep apps. As the nature of examinations means regular content and version changes, Pocket Prep will always make content updates as exam standards change.

About Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep has led the mobile test prep category with its portable learning, smart feedback, and affordable programs since 2011. The company is dedicated to providing the most effective, convenient, and engaging test prep for more than 100 standardized exams spanning the medical, nursing, business, IT, social work, finance, automotive and fitness industries. The company is headquartered in Seattle, WA with an office in Durham, NC.

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