Pocket Prep has added a brand new exam to its lineup of IT exam prep offerings – the ISACA Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control™ (CRISC®).

The ISACA CRISC® certification is the 17th addition to the company’s IT & Cybersecurity Pocket Prep app. This app includes exam study prep for a range of IT certifications spanning cloud security, ethical hacking, systems auditing, and many more.

The CRISC® certification is focused on enterprise IT risk management. According to ISACA, the exam’s content is based on the latest work practices and knowledge to keep certification holders ahead of the game in tackling real-world threats in today’s business landscape.

Pocket Prep’s study material for the ISACA CRISC® certification exam features 500 practice questions and is broken down into the four domain areas of the exam. Those domains and their respective weight on the exam are:

  • IT Risk Identification (27%)
  • IT Risk Assessment (28%)
  • Risk Response and Mitigation (23%)
  • Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting (22%)

The following two textbooks were used to build the content, and they are used as reference points in the detailed answer explanations for every question:

All of Pocket Prep’s practice questions are built from scratch using the company’s sourcePrep™ process that includes working with industry experts, and they are completely original.

Pocket Prep has been providing study prep for IT and cybersecurity professionals for a decade and averages a 4.8-star App Store rating on all of its exam prep apps. As the nature of examinations means regular content and version changes, Pocket Prep will always make content updates as exam standards change.

About Pocket Prep

Pocket Prep has led the mobile test prep category with its portable learning, smart feedback, and affordable programs since 2011. The company is dedicated to providing the most effective, convenient, and engaging test prep for more than 100 standardized exams spanning the medical, nursing, business, IT, social work, finance, automotive and fitness industries. The company is headquartered in Seattle, WA with an office in Durham, NC.

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